Lemons for Limes is only 120 days old

Help us bring more trading partners to you by telling your gardening friends about the opportunity to trade produce in your gardening community!
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About Us

We're not just a website we're building a gardening community!

This site is an on-line garden trading service, where members can share the bounty of their garden with their friends and neighbors and accumulate points to use now, or at any later date to receive produce from others. We keep track of all the trades. You can trade as much as you want, there is no cost per trade. The yearly membership fee is only $ 5.95, (with $ 1.00 going to charity) and for that you get 5 points to get you started trading. You can trade your 5 points for 5 bags of produce! Be patient our site is new. For now view it  as a platform to trade with your gardening friends invite one or two of your friends, they invite one of two of theirs and soon you will have many gardeners in your area to trade with.

This site was born out of the realization that gardeners are generous people, often not having enough people to share their produce with. Once you become accustom to garden fresh food you hate to have to go to the grocery store for something that is in season. However, you can't grow everything in your garden. In today's economy it makes sense to share. With that in mind, lemonsforlimes.com was born.

Take some time to explore the website, it is feature rich. Read each tab and see all that you can do with it. You can list produce, find produce, wish for produce, check out what others are wishing for (maybe fulfill that wish), and blog about your garden.

Because our site and this concept is new I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts about how this website could be improved to better serve you. I really appreciate your input. I hope that you enjoy our site and all of the benefits it brings to you.